¿Porqué está esta página en inglés?
Porque es mi página personal y, entre otras cosas, la quiero usar para practicar la escritura en inglés. No es un sitio comercial y no soy esclavo del SEO ni de las visitas. Así que no necesito hacerla en ningún idioma concreto.

Fast lane

Age of Sigmar: Stormbringer. [view]

Kill Team. [view]


One more try on personal website. mazcunan

Another year, another batch of New Year's resolutions. As part of my current role, I have to work on some frameworks, I felt the urge to play around and refresh my ideas on website coding. Here is what I'm comming up with. I'm working on something simple and easy to read. Nothing fancy. Also thinking on getting back some old projects and maybe revamp them...

UPDATE (2023) I said this in 2022... Now it's 2023 and I'm trying again. :)

Where am I?

Where do you come from... Rednex

As long as this is working correctly, you could have tried to load my .net, .es or .com domains. The result should always be the same, as I only have one hosting but three DNS providers. It is a personal website in continuous development as my non-digital life (and my 3-year-old daughter) give me a little spare time. I am trying to tune it up to ensure it is transparent and does not fail depending on the domain.

UPDATE (2023) ¡Now there are two of them! One with 5 years and another with 1 year. :)

Where do you go... Rednex

Probably the most active part of this website is also the most in need of improvement. It began as a simple way for my friends in the Oculus Quest VR whatsapp group to share their top ten apps and has grown slowly, but steadily. You could have found this due to a wrong URL redirection in my system. Feel free to use this link to go to the ranking page.

Now that I'm here...

Please, tell me more. Willy Wonka (not really)

What to expect from me? You could visit the /Me section (if I have already made it) but this list should resume my hobbies and interests: coding, gaming, boardgaming, 3D printing, comics, illustration, drawing, graphic design, cooking, crafting, DIY, woodworking... So if this fits your interests you can keep an eye on this website or contact me.

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